Sunday, January 26, 2020

Therapeutic and Nutritional Values of Fruits From Nanded

Therapeutic and Nutritional Values of Fruits From Nanded THERAPEUTIC AND NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF WIDELY GROWN UNCOMMON FRUITS FROM NANDED REGION-A REVIEW Sonwane PP, Gond NY ABSTRACT: The use of immunostimulants as an alternative to the drugs, chemicals and antibiotics currently being used to control diseases man many have focused on the use of widely grown uncommon fruits and medicinal plant as potential therapeutic measures for modulating the immune response to prevent and control diseases. The possible use of naturally available fruits such as Ziziphus Jujuba, Ramnaceae (Ber), Buchania Lanzan, Anacardeaceae (Charr,/Chironji), Coccinia Grandis, Cucurbitaceae (Tindori,Tindora), Phoenix Sylvestris, Arecaceae (Shinole,Shindi), Grewiatiliifolia vahlvar, Tiliaceae (Dhaman.), Madhuca longifolia, Sapotaceae. (Moha.), Cordia dichotoma foret Boraginaceae. (Bhokar), Aegle marmelos Corr. Rutaceae. (Beal), Diospyros melanoxylon roxb,Diospyros decandra ,Ebenaceae. (Tendu,tembhurni), Rumex vasicarius . Polygonaceae. ( Hummayd and hammad ,sour-wort), etc. has been discussed in this article. The aim of this paper is to review research currently being carried out on the widely g rown uncommon fruits that have been nutritional and therapeutic value. Key words – Nutritional value, therapeutic value, widely grown, uncommon fruits INTRODUCTION: In most developing countries the food situation is worsening owing to increasing population, shortage of fertile land, high prices of available staples restrictions on import of the food, this has resulted in a high incidence of hunger malnutrition, a situation in which children women especially pregnant lactating women are most vulnerable. The present day need is to have information about the new food sources exploiting the vast number of less familiar plant resources existing in the nature. There are several foods that are consumed by the people in different region on a very limited scale especially among the tribal population. The wild fruits of many species have served as dietary staples medicines for thousands of years, particularly in the tribal rural areas of Nanded region of Marathwada. Certain fruits are the good sources of various nutrients especially anthocyonins, carotene, ascorbic acid minerals. Considering their no cost production, easy availability, abundant production, they need to be popularized recommended for commercial exploitation .If the people begin to derive an economic benefit from these wild plants, the natural environment of the area would be conserved managed the integrity of the food chains relationship within the ecosystem can be maintained. Good nutrition can help to prevent disease and promote health. There are six categories of nutrients that the body needs to acquire from food protein, carbohydrates, fat, fibers,Vitaminsand minerals and water. Food nutritional security are key issues for human wellbeing. Researches, governments organizations working with food nutrition are concerned with the nutritional status of the general population especially children, pregnant women lactating mothers in the developing countries. In the developing countries, starch based foods are major sources which supply both energy proteins requirements. Thus, protein deficiency prevails among the problems recognized by food and agricultural organizations. To alleviate the situation, efforts should be focused on sustainable use of underutilized and lesser wild plant fruits as a source of nutrient supplements in enhancing food and nutrition security. FRUITS ORIGINATED IMMUNOSTIMULANTS Natural widely grown fruits have various activities such as antistress, growth promotion, appetite stimulation, immune-stimulation, aphrodisiac and antimicrobial properties due to the active principles such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibers, alkaloids, flavanoids pigments, phenol, terpenoids, steroids and essential oils. 1) Ziziphus jujuba, belonging to family Ramnaceae, commonly named as Ber: It was distributed all over the Nanded district. Root were used to cure cough, headache. Leaves were used as antipyretic used in the treatment of obesity. Fruits were cooling, digestible, tonic, laxative, and a rich source of Vit–C, along with that having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory antioxidant. 2) Buchania lanzan, family Anacardeaceae, commonly named as Charr,Chironji: It was found throughout India, Burma and Nepal (1) and in India Hingoli, Parbhani, Latur and Nanded regions of Maharashtra. The plant grows on yellow sandy loam soil used in eprosy, diuretics, haemorrhage, cardiac disease, asthama, fever. Its roots are used as antiulcer (Scholars research library) 3) Coccinia grandis L.Voigt, belonging to family Cucurbitaceae, commonly named as Tindori,Tindora: It is distributed in tropical regions of Asia, Africa and is commonly found in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Srilanka. Different parts of Coccinia grandis such as roots, leaves and fruits were used for various medicinal purposes such as wound healing, ulcer, jaundice, diabetic and antipyretic. The roots have antioxidant activity [Tamilselvan N1,] [Indo Global Journal]. Fruit of Coccinia grandis is used as vegetable when green and eaten fresh when ripened into bright scarlet colour2. Every part of this plant is used as medicine and various preparations have been mentioned in indigenous system of medicine for various skin diseases, bronchial catarrh, bronchitis and Unani systems of medicine for ring worm, psoriasis, small pox, and scabies and other itchy skin eruptions and ulcers 3. Oil of this plant is used as an injection into chronic sinuses. The plant is used in decoction for gonnorhoeae, diabetes and also useful in dropsical condition, pyelitis, cystitis, strangury, snake bite, urinary gravel and calculi 4, 5. It is also useful to induce perspiration in fever and cures sores in the tongue 6. It has antilithic5, hypolipidemicb 7, antimutagenic 8 and hypoglycemic activities9, 10, anti-inflamatory activity [S.V Deshpande1], antioxidant activity of leaf extract of Coccinia grandis. [ Journal of Ethnopharmacology], antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Coccinia grandis. [ Journal of applied pharmaceutical science] 4) Phoenix sylvestris, belonging to family Arecaceae, commonly named as shinole, shindi It is locally called as shindi or shindole. It was found in Nanded, Parbhani, Latur regions of Marathawada state of Maharashtra, India. Fruits are edible, juice used to relieves toothache, pain, fever and respiratory disorder, and used as nerve tonic. 5) Grewiatiliifolia vahlvar, of family Grewiatiliaceae, commonly known as Dhaman : It Is found in all districts of maharashtra state of India . Fruits are edible. It is having Antioxidant and anti-proliferative activity. 6) Madhuca longifolia, belong to family Sapotaceae commonly known as Moha : This plants was found in all districts of Maharashtra except Osmanabad. Fruits and flowers are edible. They are used in treatment of diseases to skin. Syrup was used for medicinal purposes; It is also used in urine diseases and diabetes. 7) Cordia dichotoma foret f. Boraginaceae (Bhokar): It is commonly called as Bhokar .It is found in Aurangabad, Nanded, Parbhani and Osmanabad district of Mharashtra,India, Fruits are edible. The fruits are commonly used as Antiulcer, antimicrobial, anti-inflamatory, hepatoprotective antidiabetic activity. Antiulcer,antimicrobial, in acutetoxity,antiinflamatory,hepatoprotective.anti-diabetic activity . 8) Aegle marmelos Corr. Rutaceae (Beal) : It is commonly called as Beal .It is found In all district of Maharashtra. Fruit pulp is edible. It is Aromatic cooling, antioxidant and antimicrobial property. it is pleasantly laxative and simple cure for Dyspepsia. 9) Diospyros melanoxylon roxb. Ebenaceae.(Tendu, tembhurni,tember):It is locally called as tendu,tembhurni or tembe.It is found in Nanded,Latur, Jalna district of Marathwada. Fruits are edible.It is having Antimicrobial property,and bark shows the antihyperglycemic activity,some species shows the significant antispasmodial effect against p.falciparum, and anti-ulcer activity. 10) Rumex vasicarius l. Polygonaceae (Hummayd and hammad ,sour-wort ) : It is found in Nanded,Hingoli,Parbhani districts of Maharashtra. Fruits are edible. It is used as cooling,laxative ,analgesic,stomachic.leaf juice is used as is also used in the heart trouble,constipation,asthmaBronchitis and piles. Tamilselvan N, Thirumalai T, Elumalai EK, Balaji R, David E, Pharmacognosy of Coccinia grandis: a review, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2011)S299-S302. Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012; 2(3): 230-238 -S.V Deshpande1*, M. J. Patil2, S.C. Daswadkar1, U. Suralkar3, A. Agarwal3  Ã‚  -Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 71, Issue 1, Pages 89-92 Anju Puri, R Sahai, Kiran L Singh, R.P Saxena, J.S Tandon, K.C Saxena -Journal of applied pharmaceutical science NOD2 and NALP3 in interleukin-1beta generation. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2007;147 (2): 227–235. 2. Sastri BN, The Wealth of India A Dictionary of Raw Material and Industrial Products, vol 2 and  8,Publication and Information Directorate CSIR New Delhi, , 1950: 257 and 285-293. 3. Behl PN, Arora RB, Srivastava G and Malhotia, Herbs useful in Dermatological therapy, CBS  Publishers and Distributor, Delhi, 1993. 4. Nadkarni, KM, Indian Materia Medica with Ayurvedic, Unani Products and Home Remedies.  vol. 1, Popular Prakasham, Bombay, 1976:845-846. 5. Jayaweera, DM, Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) used in Ceylon, Part 2, A Publication  of the Natural Sciences Council of Srilanka, Colombo, 1980. 6. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

How the poet expresses His views concerning time in the p�em “Rising Five Essay

The poem â€Å"Rising Five† deals largely with the theme of time and our rather disturbing attitude towards it. We are constantly looking ahead, into the future, seeking the next stage of our lives and failing to enjoy each moment as it comes. The poet seeks to express the importance of living in the present through his use of imagery and structure, which emphasise the dangers of always looking ahead through the seasons of our lives and almost wishing away our time here on Earth. The structure of the poem moves us from the innocent, seemingly trivial outlook of a child to the wider issue of wishing our lives away. The repetition of the word â€Å"rising† to connote almost or nearly there begins to suggest a positive outlook as the small boy is â€Å"rising five† or almost five and this is shown as a childish impatience to grow up and be older than he really is. On the other hand, this phrase is repeated, each time growing further ahead and rushing through time as in â€Å"rising June†, â€Å"rising night† and then finally â€Å"rising dead†. This last line is deliberately shocking and underlines the poet’s concerns that we rush through our lives at too fast a pace and almost run towards death before we have had a chance to live. The language moves from a description of the young boy â€Å"brimful of eyes† with â€Å"toffee-buckled cheeks† at the beginning of his journey through life. His large eyes suggest a wide-eyed innocence and a fresh outlook on life, while the â€Å"toffee-buckled cheeks† is an image which reappears later in the poem with a more serious and threatening tone as the poet describes our attitude to youth â€Å"like a boy throwing away his toffee wrappers†. This simile emphasises the casual way humans desire to be grown up and moving onto the next stage of their lives, throwing away time as if it is rubbish or litter to be wasted. Furthermore, the writer chooses natural imagery to describe the passage of time. The use of rhymes such as â€Å"bubbled and doubled† along side the personification and alliteration of â€Å"buds unbuttoned; shoot and stem shook out the creases†¦Ã¢â‚¬  suggests a sense of joy and excitement as nature literally dresses up in her Spring finery. The irony being that we do not stop to enjoy each season, rather we look forward to the next month, the next stage of the year. The last section of the poem reflects a more sombre tone and the vocabulary becomes increasingly serious and more complex. The imagery of the â€Å"dust dissected tangential light† reflects the poet’s ultimate message of â€Å"new buds pushing the old leaves from the bough†, a metaphor which expresses the human desire for change and perhaps a lack of respect for age and wisdom. Finally the natural imagery is used to express how our hasty attitudes lead us to find only â€Å"the rot in the fruit† where the fruit represents our lives in their negative aspects as they run out and we run out of time. Overall, the poem is concerned with human responses to time and delivers a powerful message that we need to stop rushing ahead, seeking the next experience and the next thrill and start to appreciate the here and now, before it is too late.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Undisputed Truth About What Do I Bring to the Program Essay Samples That the Experts Dont Want You to Know

The Undisputed Truth About What Do I Bring to the Program Essay Samples That the Experts Don't Want You to Know Permit the committee know that you're passionate about caring for others. You must have invested yourself in the area of diversity to have lived and breathed uniqueness as a way to write successfully about how you'll bring about your school's diverse population. It's a good idea to try to remember that these two prompts are simply two sides of the very same coin. The secret to convincing the admissions officers is in understanding what they are searching for. This something ought to be seen from your own perspective. Getting somebody else to read your drafts can allow you to find out when you've gone too far. The author starts with a rather comprehensive story of an event or description of an individual or place. This example demonstrates that even for an engineer with years of experience within the field, the basics of private essay writing remain the exact same. You should find the most suitable resources for your essay together with patience when finding the correct inspiration to write. Okay, maybe not quite enjoy that, but you have the gist. As you know what it should say, it's simple to trick yourself into believing the essay says something it doesn't. Writing a high school essay if you've got the tips about how to do essay effectively. As one of the most typical academic papers, essays might appear easy to write. By way of example, a why us essay might chat about how very interesting XYZ interdisciplinary project is and the way it fits nicely with your senior project. When you think that it is totally finished, you're prepared to proofread and format the essay. At the end, the author employs transitional words to connect what's being discussed in 1 paragraph and what's being discussed in the paragraphs that follow. Plan your essay structure before you get started writing it. Do a little research before you begin writing. Today there's still a high degree of illegal immigration in the united States. Keep in mind, you're the one best equipped to judge how accurately you're representing yourself. To be able to WIN you've got to compromise. Discover what material you'll be able to cut and cut it. The Admissions Committee wants to understand more about you and your special personality and the way that can ultimately bring about the Wharton community. The admissions officers want a reason to disregard candidates. The FCS program is one which will solidify the army's position on top globally. For instance, the JTRS-the Joint Tactical Radio System that is vital to the success of FCS is now underfunded and cannot kickoff. What Do I Bring to the Program Essay Samples Features For some applicants, simply getting into a fantastic nursing school is the most crucial factor. The sphere of physical therapy is growing, and with my skills in marketing, I aspire to grow the regional Ridgeview services across the planet. Empathy in nursing is a superb quality to get. Your own personal statement should incorporate the long-term goals you've got for you career in nursing. The What Do I Bring to the Program Essay Samples Cover Up The voice you use needs to be approachable in addition to intelligent. The absolute most important consideration when selecting a writing sample ought to be quality. You may choose to make an impression of expertise in the area by using specialized or technical language. In the end, the detail of true speech makes the scene pop.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Economic Growth Rate, Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Generally speaking, the standard of living of a country is often measured by the per capita GDP. It will not be wise to think GDP per capita to be the measure of personal income. If the economic theories are taken into account, then per capita GDP will be the same as per capita GDI (Gross Domestic Income). The goods, as well as the services produced in a certain country and brought to the market, have some price. Some experts regard GDP as the price of the total output. The GDP can be calculated in the following ways. Cumulative figure of all income within an economy or the total spending made by all the participating agents within the same economy is referred to as GDP. Both the spending and income will roughly be the same. It should be kept inking that Gross Domestic Product and Gross National product is not the same thing. The market value of the goods as well as services produced within a particular time period by the residents of a particular country is regarded as the GNP. It allocates the production based on ownership. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Growth Rate, Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Three approaches can be used in order to determine the GDP. They are- the income approach, the product approach and the expenditure approach. The product also called as the output approach sums the total produced within the economy in order to attain the value of GDP. The expenditure approach assumes that the products produced must be bought by someone and so the total value of the product must be matched by the total expenditure of the people in purchasing things (Wesselink, Bakkes, Best, Hinterberger, and Brink, 2007). The last approach takes into consideration that the value of the products must be equal to the incomes of the factors of production. It determines the value of GDP by calculating the sum of the income of the producers. Inflation is defined as the continuous or sustained rise in the general level of price. It can also be defined as continuous reduction in the value of money. The movement in the general price level is referred to as i nflation.